aokp vs cm 10.1 / they are the same
I just downloaded 2 roms and the 4.2.2 gapps
1 is 10.1 nightly 4/16/13 . I have never run any cm roms. Ive only used chevycam1994,s roms /aokp steel droid 4800 and 5600OC which was the best ics ive used but I want to try JB ? which do you recommend /being the other rom I downloaded was the milestone build 4/16/2013 for droid 3 aokp solona_jb-mr1_milestone-1 .Is this the correct download for jelly bean 4.2.2 for the droid 3 ? Iam asking because the build name changed ,but the developer Dhacker said they were changing the build ???? I guess what rom do u have ? is it jelly bean 4.2.2? and lastly which rom do I install to get the latest jelly bean build /whats the difference between cm,s nightlt 4/16/13 build and the aokp 4/16/13/ milestone roms??????
Ok I was just like you and then ran the 4.2.2 jb with google apps and oh wow no phone so that rom sucks !!!! and that's with the new kernel ,that was the milestone aokp , the difference is the "MILESTONE " VS NIGHTLYS is that the milestone is what they consider a stable or the most stable so far version of what they have completed .. Make sense ? So sonola {whick is just their name for the droid 3 }or aokp {android open kang project} lame unicorns"
may have new updated things but still not camera ,which is kinda of lame since chevycam1994 has a fullu working camera on 5.6OC STEEL DROID ,yes that's the best ics there is and prob will ever be because even though they unlocked the bootloader and have THE EXACT ICS KERNAL !!!! THEY STILL CAN NOT DUPLICATE A WORKING VERSION OF IT !!!! and I don't mean cm 7-10 don't boot and do things . Oh yea .no they are worthless, still no face detect , or working camera ,and no back lit key board and I especially hate that no 1 thinks Bluetooth is important!!!!!!
I use Bluetooth daily so if you cant get that to work just stop cause your wasting everones time!!!!. Chevy already has surpassed all your pathetic cm and aokp /android open kang project {with the most retarted unicorns .idiots who besides a 9 year old girl wants that as their boot up or wallpaper . I mean honestly what do you think about ? Ok so I got a little angered by the idiocy of these developers . yea cause they haven't made progress since what feb 2012 when chevy released the overclocked version of ics and that's pretty good still no Bluetooth but understandable he didn't have the unlocked bootloader and I suppose he jumped on the bandwagon and just a / banded ics because every 1 is working on jelly bean now .. It just takes chevy to stop making lame blue ginger bread 5.0 want to be ics roms and make an actual fully functional ics rom "WITH BLUETOOTH ,CAMERA AND VIDEO ,OH DONT FORGET SOUND AND A WORKING PHONE .
WHICH HE HAS BUT I DIDNT WANT HIM TO REPLACE THAT IN ORDER TO FIX ANOTHER PROBLEM ...we want a working phone not a half a$$ working 4" tablet and that's what kang {which is cm and aokp } have given us even Tom {who makes the best videos but cant say root ,even says !!!!!
Tom is even showing us that now you have to use safestrap 3.05 to boot even a lame minimoto gb rom /which sucks and any jb rom from aokp or cm 10.1 and it has to be is a certain slot!!!!!
OK THE NEGITIVE WITH THIS 3.05 SAFE STRAP !!!! So you get it all right. Download The gapps , the rom and boot it and have working jb but you forgot
when you loaded say slot 2 for the "milestone jb 4.2.2 " the max space it allows is 3gb,s "so in essence you have a phone with only 3 gb on it .
PLEASE SOME 1 TELL ME WTH YOUR SUPOSE TO DO WITH 3GB . THATS 1 GAME AND YOUR OUT OF SPACE . Now how is this better than the 2.01 safestrap where you just go into safe mode and get all your space ,say 11gb now that's good ? So whats the point of having 4 or 5 working apps when they have no space to use on any of them ,it stupid!!!!!!! work together and do better than an alpha and an almost stable version that doesn't even have a working phone or camera or Bluetooth how can you say your doing a good job ? Your not!!!
At least with steel droid / chevy is smart enough to include the gapps in ALL HIS ROMS AND THEY ARE 99% ALL STABLE NO BUGS minus the fact he likes to blind us with the new 5.0 super blue everything cyan sorry , rom that looks horrible and mimics ics but is just another duplicate of steel droid 4.5-......4.8 was his best work by far , simple ,detoxed, has plenty of ram left just need to over clock it and it would have killed eclipse 3.0,Oh and no dice on the lame smile face play store bag icon what were you thinking ,aokp got u huh ,lol jk making revolting pictures in your roms come on chev, your better than that don't revert your work because every one else is...Didn't your mom tell you not to follow be a leader !!!! You have the 2 best roms currently 5.6oc and 4.8
so either oc 4.8 steel droid and have the best gingerbread rom out there, or use the bootloader that's unlocked now and finish what you said your were going to finish when you posted "it's jelly bean time and then just threw us 5.0gb instead of a completed ics 5.6oc whats up ?