Keyboard issue with GB

That's what I've been doing but this is different than is used to be, and for the worse... Also, the key selected when I do this is off by about 1cm. For example, when I hold the button to open that menu it should either highlight none of the keys, or highlight the "," key based on where my finger is wrt the menu that opens. What it actually does is highlights the "+" key which is on the upper row. That means to even get the bottom row you have to push your finger all the way to the outer frame of the screen.

If it's functioning as intended I'm not impressed and pretty upset about being "forced" in to using it. I would not have bought the phone if that's how the keyboard functioned, mostly because I would have assumed there was something wrong with it...
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Well it is a small bug with any update or rom there will be a few bugs I use better keyboard 8 it has all the punctuations across the top of the screen it works gtreat for me.

Sent from my rooted GB DROID X 1.15 Ghz
Better keyboard 8

Sent from my rooted GB DROID X 1.15 Ghz
Just to be sure I'm reading your last correctly, are you saying that you think every X might be having this problem, but that it's just not something that others notice or are affected by (like if they use Swipe)? That's what I got from reading that but that sentence had like a double or triple negative ;) (just giving you a hard time)
Yes, you didn't not read that incorrectly. Or not. Or something like that...
Now I'm confused.

Actually you got what I was saying exactly.

Sounds like Wyld has the same problem but is coping like I am but what I'd really like it to do is to behave the way it did before with the pop up punctuation menu STAYING open and not requiring me to slide my finger while pressing against the screen. After all, on a regular keyboard, I don't slide my fingers to type. To change this in this way is totally counterproductive and a change just for the sake of change!
keep your finger down on the screen slide back and forth and down to highlight the punctuation you want to use. my phone does the same thing and I use better keyboard 8
Are you saying it acts the same way with "better keyboard 8" in that you have to keep your finger pressed against the screen AND you have to force yourself to slide your finger way along the bottom edge to select some punctuation?

Just trying to make sure I read that correctly.
You can go to the Android Apr Market and download different keyboards. I recommend SwiftKey Beta X, it's for free and is absolutely amazing. There is a paid version but I prefer the beta. The paid doesn't do everything the beta does. Hope this helps you out man.

And you are able to push your phone back to Froyo. My brother did it because as of right now you can't root GB. I don't know how but there's probably some other thread dedicated to it.

Also the flext9 isn't very good, I got that as a free app of the day from the Amazon App Store and it felt counterintuitive.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Keyboard screwing up.

I have most of these issues, that you have been talking about. I have a Droid X and when I went to update the phone it "bricked" or something, basically it ended up freezing and I couldn't use it for the rest of the day, then they had to reset it.
A week later-a couple of days ago-the spacebar stops working whenever I go to type a space it closes the whole keyboard so I took into Verizon, the associate guy was very friendly and said that it was probably a problem because of the "bricking"-messed up update. I am under warranty so he ordered me another one.
As I was waiting for the next phone to come in the mail the keyboard started freezing when I would use the periods because due to the spacebar not working "" periods acting as spaces. The period button and keyboard would freezing making the phone not able to be used. Luckily my new one came in the mail that day.
It worked for a couple of hours to a day normally but then it started having the same issues as the old one was having.
I went to Verizon and the representative just said that it is a known problem and they are working on it, the new Gingerbread software was so new that's why it wasn't advertised.

Earlier today I was texting and the period started freezing along with the whole keyboard and it wouldn't work when I was using the periods "" So I tried commas and question marks which worked for a short amount of time so now "IHaveToTypeLikeThis"

I hope that they figure the update problem out soon but I am thoroughly annoyed currently. I have had bad phone luck and I enjoyed this one but now I am starting to hate it.
Any ideas for a temporary fix?
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I use the GO keyboard replacement app. Works like a charm & free!

Sent from my DROIDX
The rom that I flashed last night DarkslideX seemed to have fixed the long pressing on the period issue where your finger didn't match up with the highlighted punctuations. And I use better keyboard 8 market app works great for me. And type a little slower. Lol

DROIDX DarkslideX 1.15 Ghz
That's what I'm reading in other threads that a factory reset will fix some of the bugs with the ota.

DROIDX DarkslideX 1.15 Ghz
On my DROID x after getting gingerbread I had issues with keyboard and connecting to wifi, no signal is stronger and problems have gone away.
On my DROID x after getting gingerbread I had issues with keyboard and connecting to wifi, no signal is stronger and problems have gone away.

Nope looks like your still having keyboard issues! Lol

DROIDX DarkslideX 1.15 Ghz
I'm just teasing. Lol

DROIDX DarkslideX 1.15 Ghz