Good luck with the upgrade. And I am not sure which maps you like to use for your line of work, but the Mobile Atlas Creator program seems to have pretty robust development, and you might find a map set/type to help when you are remote. And it sure is nice to be able to layer satellite imagery, terrain, or topography that is way more useful than 1:100000 resolution/scale.
Well, not really any confusion, just a little disagreement about how the GPS works. I have followed every Android GPS thread here (including your links), and all I am saying is that I can get lock without a data connection. Certainly when you factory reset the phone, perhaps CDMA is needed, but my experience runs contrary to all of the folks who say you need 3G to get a GPS fix. No question that you would need 3g for navigation or maps, but my comments above about Oryxmaps means that I do not need 3g for that mapping program.
There is a little saying by one of the top shooting instructors in the country. 2 is 1, 1 is none. Anyone who ventures into the back country, depending upon electronics to keep their life save, better have a backup plan. Like a map and compass, and basic orienteering skillsThe Droid would suck as a primary device, as it is not weather proof, it is relatively fragile, and is harder than heck to see in bright sunlight. Can't be used effectively with gloves, has a pretty narrow temperature operating window (wildernessly speaking), and has a miserable battery life, compared to a handheld GPS reciever that can run 24 hours m/l with double A batteries that you likley have a lot of spares for things like flashlights or headlamps. On this point we most certainly agree.
Well after reading a number of articles this morning about Cell Phones and GPS I found that it is a CDMA connection that sends the aGPS signal to Cell Phone (Smart or Dumb) to aid in the inital lockon.
And again with the "GPS Status" App the "Last Fix" time in the screen it helpful in seeing what is really happening.