How do you go about rooting the phone and will there be any issues/consequences with Verizon?
I've been experiencing some rebooting issues, lockups and just generally lagging perfomance since I upgraded from 2.2 to 2.3.3. I have since performed a restore back to factory defaults but the os version stayed at 2.3.3. I have called Verizon twice about this issue and the last tech support person I spoke to was referring to these forums so I figured I would get my tech support here instead .
Thanks very much in advance for any help anyone can provide.
This is a known issue with 2.3.3 on the DX. One of my friends is a tech at one of the verizon corp store. Right now the only fix for this issue is to do a factory reset. It doesnt fix it 100%, and it might go away for a few weeks and then come back. So we just have to wait for moto to come up with a fix