So, sure, you can change the the public keys in the OTA flashable list, but if they aren't signed by a key in the burned in list, it would be ignored.
Well, that's the crux of the biscuit. If there is some key or keys that are "burned in", or in ROM, then they have us over a barrel. That's be a risky choice, because if the keys got out, there's no fixing that. But if everything is stored in writable memory, it doesn't matter how many signatures or hashes they use on top of each other, it's just so many bags inside of other bags. We'd just unbag it all and fix it. Tedious yes, but entirely feasible.
Then also there's this that says that Apple might remotely brick people's phones (probably a load of crap):
Apple Plans To Remotely Kill Your iPhone If It's Jailbroken - Techland - - StumbleUpon
It leaves me confused - if I buy a phone, don't I own it? If ANYBODY else destroys it, isn't that what's known as a crime? They can license their software all they want, but if they start smashing my physical stuff, can't we just throw them in jail?