Leaked Pics & Specs of the Motorola Droid 4 Surface

Now I'm getting excited. If this has a removable battery it will be my next phone. I like the slider!

Maybe so but I don't think the tool tells us anything since you need it to access the SD and SIM cards.

@JoeAnDriod, hey if they work that's cool. I've heard of some that basically don't work, but if you get a working battery for $3.75 or whatever it was I think it's pretty hard to go wrong no matter who made it!
Sheesh... What's the world coming to? People are now complaining that Moto and VZW are launching new products too fast? After the tortuous wait for the Bionic? C'mon... anyone who bought a 3G device when LTE devices were already selling had to know that a 4G QWERTY was just around the corner.

What I really want to know is why nobody has created a QWERTY slider with 4G LTE, a removable battery, and a 4.3" or 4.5" display? That's what people REALLY want.

After having the 4.3" display on the Bionic, the 4" display on the D3 seems really small to me now. I didn't expect that the 0.3" would make that much of a difference, but after playing around on a D3 last week, it really was noticeably smaller.

Are you listening VZW??

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What I really want to know is why nobody has created a QWERTY slider with 4G LTE, a removable battery, and a 4.3" or 4.5" display? That's what people REALLY want.

The better question is why hasn't someone come out with a "universal" aftermarket keyboard? It's not rocket science, you can integrate it with a case and even have it's own battery and connect via bluetooth. The IPad has one or two (docks, not BT, I don't think). Seems like a slam-dunk. No clue why we haven't seen this yet.

How much would this even cost to develop? I'm surprised Moto or even the Nexus doesn't have such an option.
Well it's not gonna be perfect buy I am definitely going to snag a D4 anyway. I waited forever for the Bionic and then didn't go for it, hoping for a slider to come out, and I'm fired up. Can't wait forever for the perfect one when a very good one is about to be right in front of us.
The better question is why hasn't someone come out with a "universal" aftermarket keyboard? It's not rocket science, you can integrate it with a case and even have it's own battery and connect via bluetooth. The IPad has one or two (docks, not BT, I don't think). Seems like a slam-dunk. No clue why we haven't seen this yet.

How much would this even cost to develop? I'm surprised Moto or even the Nexus doesn't have such an option.

There are universal BT keyboards, and there are also snap-on BT keyboards for many models with great battery life. The issue to me is that I don't want to have to drain my phone to run it, and the added bulk. Factory QWERTY for the win.
There are universal BT keyboards, and there are also snap-on BT keyboards for many models with great battery life. The issue to me is that I don't want to have to drain my phone to run it, and the added bulk. Factory QWERTY for the win.


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