Does anybody use a third party insurance for thier phone, instead of paying for the asureron insurance through the carrier? when you have a $500 phone i think the insurance is a must. I have used it a number of times on my dumb phones. I don't mine paying the monthy fee, nor do I mind the ductuable. My grip is if I need the insurance I want a new phone, not a refurb. once you pay for the deductable and the warenty for a year that is over half the price of a new phone. don't get the wrong Idea when I said I used my insurance alot. When I had Nextel my insurance was repair for free or if couldn't fix replace for $50 I had mine repared 3 times, due to my screen going out and my wife droped hers in a glass of milk. I baby my Droid never naked, never droped. It would be a sad day to turn mine in for a refurb, that was turned in because it got to0 wet useing the dildroid app.