I'm having an issue when installing the .340. I've downloaded the .340, the .602 and liberty3. I start off by installing .340 through the liberty toolbox at which point it backs my stuff up and does the wipe. After that is goes into the installation process in CWM but keeps failing during the 'updating RADIO' followed by:
assert failed: motorola.update_cdma_bp("/tmp/rdl.bin", "/tmp/bp.img")
E:Error in /sdcard/romtoolbox/downloads/OTA/340-Odexed-AI0.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log Please open ROM Manager to report the issue
Any suggestions?
assert failed: motorola.update_cdma_bp("/tmp/rdl.bin", "/tmp/bp.img")
E:Error in /sdcard/romtoolbox/downloads/OTA/340-Odexed-AI0.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log Please open ROM Manager to report the issue
Any suggestions?