Just flashed this yesterday straight from CM7 GB (wiped data, dalvik, etc of course). I LOVE it. I was a huge fan of Liberty when that first dropped, and I enjoyed CM7 for awhile as well, but with this ROM, my phone is running better than it ever has. Granted, I have been using it for less than a day, but so far I have found no issues to speak of. Whatever it is that they are using for the launcher is snappy as hell. Not very awesome in the feature department, but the responsiveness of this launcher is absolutely unrivaled in my opinion. I really like the font that is on this ROM as well, and it's nice to have a decent dialer again that looks nice.
Anyway, I am happy to see Liberty back in the game: I can't wait to see what comes of this ROM in the coming weeks. Thanks to those involved in making these ROMS happen: your hard work is much appreciated!