The Mobile Worx has launched a limited time rebate offer for PhoneFraze Pro and PhoneCharades Pro in honor of Independence Day.
Please type this link into your Android phone browser to learn more:
mSight App Rebate System
Basically, you buy two apps for $0.99 each. One is usually $1.99 and the other is typically $3.99. Once you spend your $1.98 on the games and play it, rate it in the market. Once you rate both applications in the market, go to that rebate site and tell them what your Google Checkout Email was for the order of both applications, and then also what your PayPal email is. If done correctly, they will look up all the information and send you $1.99 via PayPal for your thoughts on the game.
This is apparently a limited time offer so act soon if you do not want to miss out. I just recently found out about it when I was following up on their web site for the review I previously did on their PhoneFraze application.
PhoneCharades is a newer game so I have not had time to review it, but I did a review on PhoneFraze a while back that can be located in my blog here:
Game Review of PhoneFraze Application and Game Reviews for Android
You basically get the paid apps for free and you get to keep getting all future updates. I hope this thread is useful for those who enjoy group party games.