I'm started to get frustrated with the battery life now. I think it's mostly environment related, but even if that's the case, it wasn't this bad before. For the past week or so, during the workday, I take my Moto X off the charger around 6 am. I get to work around 7 and once I get in the office, the phone starts burning up. I do put it on the corporate wifi because I'm basically locked in a room in the middle of the building, away from windows, so I've only got 2 bars of voice reception throughout the day. It'll get 4G if I turn wifi off. I have the GPS set to Battery Saving.
So with all that said, by 8 am, my phone is down to 80% battery and says only 6 hours remain. That's ridiculous. By 10 am, it's down around 60% remaining. And I'm not even using the device during this time.
I've done an FDR, I've done the battery recalibration, I've rebooted the phone, nothing is working. Something is really killing this battery now and it's progressively gotten worse. I've looked at the running apps and there's nothing unusual there. Cell Standby, Android System, and Android OS are the top 3 but even those are in the "normal use" range.