Boot animation
I am living on the edge and still running Liquid Gingersense. Really love it. Thank you so much.
I have a question on boot animation. I used to change it frequently on my D2 but now want to try it on my TBolt. I have found a couple that I like but for the life of me, I cannot get them to run.
I have put them in system/media, and system/customize/recovery. I have named them as well as Then I deleted everything I could find, left it off and rebooted. I got the word android with blue panning.
Now to get really confused, I put back on one of my new animations (downloaded from the forum with lots of folks saying they worked) put it everywhere I could think of with all the different names and I still have the android with blue panning.
Any solid help? Where does LGS put the boot animation and what does it call it?
Thanks so much
I am living on the edge and still running Liquid Gingersense. Really love it. Thank you so much.
I have a question on boot animation. I used to change it frequently on my D2 but now want to try it on my TBolt. I have found a couple that I like but for the life of me, I cannot get them to run.
I have put them in system/media, and system/customize/recovery. I have named them as well as Then I deleted everything I could find, left it off and rebooted. I got the word android with blue panning.
Now to get really confused, I put back on one of my new animations (downloaded from the forum with lots of folks saying they worked) put it everywhere I could think of with all the different names and I still have the android with blue panning.
Any solid help? Where does LGS put the boot animation and what does it call it?
Thanks so much