You can all thank me later dancedroid
1) SwiftKey - the best keyboard replacement not on the market yet. Do a google search. It predicts the next word at least 60% of the time every time. Amazing.
2) LaucherPro - Best home replacement by far.
3) Screebl - Keeps screen on while your using it turns off when not.
4) Beautiful Widgets - Old Style, never upgraded from HTC look.
5) Hancent - Best Text Messenger out there.
6) Appbrain - with the new auto install it's fantastic.
7) K-Mail - If your not using it you should be.
8) News and Weather Widget - I scan the news every morning from it.
9) WeatherBug, Radar Now, and Rainy Days. All the best weather.
10) TeslaLed - I was using MotoTorch which is good but the Tesla Led Widget works better. They do the same thing.
Honorable Mentions.
Kindle, S2 Calender Widget, CalWidget