New Member
I like it and it works for me I'm hoping for 2 feature requests
With Calendar based changes ... If I have a calendar event with a status/category of BUSY then switch to profile X (for me this would be a meeting profile with notifications off except TXT) TXT & Calls set to Vibrate only.
Account specific controls ...
While in the office sitting at my desk I really don't need to know when I receive an email in that account ... so If I could silence THAT account alone and still get notifications on the personal accounts .. that would rock ... especially since I can use the GPS to re-enable the work email notifications as soon as I leave the building ...
With Calendar based changes ... If I have a calendar event with a status/category of BUSY then switch to profile X (for me this would be a meeting profile with notifications off except TXT) TXT & Calls set to Vibrate only.
Account specific controls ...
While in the office sitting at my desk I really don't need to know when I receive an email in that account ... so If I could silence THAT account alone and still get notifications on the personal accounts .. that would rock ... especially since I can use the GPS to re-enable the work email notifications as soon as I leave the building ...