location unavailable google mobile droid x
If you have been as frustrated as I have been trying to fix this issue and most posts leading you to nothing better than what you started with, I believe this post may help you.
If you have the problem of location unavailability on google mobile, try this: On the google page you are on, press the Menu Key (hard leftmost key on the phone, that has four squares and one is colored in). Press "More" (bottom right) and then scroll down to "Settings". Once Settings is pressed, scroll down to "Enable Location," check the box. You can clear location access for all websites (located below Enable Location) so you can make sure your location is recognized by google. Press the Back Key on the phone, a page should pop up asking you if you want google to recognize your location, press yes (or whatever it tells you to to authorize your location). And presto, google should now be able to recognize your location. Hope this helps!