Lock screen issues.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Hello! When I press the power button to lock my phone it goes to the lock screen however my password doesn't appear right away. I have to wait a minute or two, this feature is useful but when I put my phone back in my pocket it "swipes to unlock" by itself. I would like to make it so that when I lock the screen, the screen becomes locked with my password right away with out a delay.

I'm not sure that makes sense, but I'd be happy to clarify if I was unclear
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I have a Note 4 and am not sure how alike the two phones are....but do you have the phone set to lock automatically when you press the power key? I am not 100% but I think the screen should lock and not "swipe to unlock" without the password.
I have no idea, I know I didn't consciously do that. Where would I find that setting?
Settings>>Lock Screen.....should be in that menu somewhere....sorry for being so vague..
Thanks, I found it!

It's at the top of the "secured lock time" menu and for some reason I missed it the first time I looked.
Great! I am glad you found it....I hope I helped some...