If it gets leaked from moto then yeah we can load it up. Og users however are able to jimmy together working roms made from the source released by google, not the leaked official update from moto. Which is why og users are already using mostly functional gb roms.
tappin and a talkin
How would you change the kernel without the bootloader keys? You're talking about update.zipping a leaked gb ota? I don't think you could that...maybe I'm wrong
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I may be mistaken but I thought previous leaked updates had indeed updated the kernal and bootloader
tappin and a talkin
Not sure but I doubt it. That would be too easy haha...who knows though
EDIT: Yep you were right...there was leaked OTA for Froyo and people were using that but supposedly it was extremely unstable. So I guess if there is a leaked OTA then yeah you would be able to do it. But remember, if Motorola doesn't want to support your phone...there won't be a leak...because the OTA won't exist. haha...so pretty much still at the mercy of motorola.
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