LogMeIn Ignition Beta Available


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 18, 2009
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just got this email:

Hurry to get your Beta version at the Android Market.

Thanks for registering! The Ignition for Android Beta app is ready to download. This free trial is open to a limited number of participants, so grab your Android device and head over to the Android Market to get started.

Then what? Then start enjoying remotely accessing your computers with just one click. All we ask is that you give us feedback in return. We’ll be in touch to see how it’s going. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Thanks again for registering. We can’t wait to hear how you like it.


The LogMeIn Ignition for Android Beta Team
(or LMIIFABT for short)
hey been playing with it. If you computer or laptop is off, or the lid is closed, how can you access your computer. It defeats the purpose if you can only access it if your computer is on.
awesome :) so pumped love logmein only had phonemypc because it was the only thing out. ill pay whatever they want for logmein i support them 100% got it installed on many pc's to assist people with their computer issues.
maybe they'll give a discount to beta users ... we can hope?!
Excellent, this is going to help me at work a ton.

I've been on the fence about the Phonemypc app, due to having logmein on all my work computers.

This just saved me a reinstall of the phonemypc app on all the computers.

Works good. Funny this came out because the other day I got VNC working on my home PC. Now I can access ALL my computers running Logmein.
hey been playing with it. If you computer or laptop is off, or the lid is closed, how can you access your computer. It defeats the purpose if you can only access it if your computer is on.

Um, if the computer is off, it's OFF. No app can get to it, if it's off. Did we miss what you were trying to say? :huh:

Anyway, I'll have to try this out. To the OP, thanks for the heads up!
THANK YOU for posting this! I was waiting for this app forever (used it back when I had an iTouch). Got the app before the beta closes, its always so great being part of an exclusive club ;)
Those phonemypc boys better get there crap together and get that promised update out soon. I have phonemypc and already use logmein for remote assistance...

Would be nice to get rid of something that doesn't work the way its been promised to work for months now. Plus I already have logmein installed so...
YES! Been using LogMeIn for sometime for support with some side work clients. This is just way *****in' if it works. Going to try it out now!