Looking for a battery Icon....

No I don't. I found super manger in the market. Get that one?

Sorry I'm going so slow with this. My wife has the computer-trying to do all this by phone. I think you gave me enough info to get this done though. Thanks for all of your help, guys!!
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once they are unzipped the process goes pretty quick. Follow the instuctions I wrote already to the point where you see every image that the OS uses for everything. Scroll down to the batt meter and select one of those images. Then it will ask you what you wanna replace it with. That is where you will go to the place that you put the meters on the sd card and choose the bears meter with the same name as the one you are replacing.
You're not going slow. I would rather have you ask 50 questions than none at all. If you get stuck hop on this thread or the other one where the meters are and I or CJM will help you finish it up.
Haha. Yea, that's alot but I need to keep up if I want to be part of the community. It seems like the free version of super manager doesn't unzip though. Maybe I'll try from the computer.
The meta morph files should be fixed. I'll repost them here for convenience.

Meta Morph files:Bears- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12608435/Bears_morph.zip
Cubs- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12608435/Cubs_morph.zip

Zip files(just icons):Bears- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12608435/Batt_Bears.zip
Cubs- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12608435/Batt_Cubs.zip

Let me know if there are any problems

Thanks for your help on this, CJM!! I have the stock title bar. Any way you could change the meter to have black numbers? Sorry to be a bother, bud. Of course, I'm hoping I'll be able to finish this whole process anyways. haha!
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Any luck on that Bears meter for my stock title bar? If I'm bothering you let me know. I just don't want you to give up on me cuz I'm a newbie. Thanks bud.

Sent from my DROIDX
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okay, so I'm an idiot. I went to ROM manager to back up and all I have now is the android dude with an exclamation point stuck on the screen. What???

Edit: Ok, got past that part. HaHa. I went to try and turn it off and it went into that clockwerk (or whatever it's called) screen so I was able to reboot. It's back to normal now. I'm gonna try again.
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No bother. Try the meta morph first. Its the quickest. Make a backup.

Let me know how it goes.

Swyped from a Droid

Success man!! Looks awesome buddy! Just to make sure I didn't do anything wrong, does the charging meter stop at 50 and then start over again? Not sure if I missed a file or if that's how you designed it. Looks great!!!

edit: Wait a minute. I think you had them all in there but the stock meter didn't. So there wasn't as many stock files as you made to replace, right? (oh yea, meta morph wouldn't work for me so I used ninja morph with the zip file.)
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