Silver Member
I don't know enough to speak to the specifics you're asking for, since these phones are all newer, but are you interested in rooting/changing roms, etc?
Keep in mind that (with a little bit of know-how) the software/UI/speed, and even battery life, can be modified by changing things on the phone. The screen/hardware/buttons/camera/network are there to stay. My rooted/rommed phone (original DX) is much faster than the stock DX2s I've played around with... and there are lots of people with Original Droids who are pretty darn fast.
With that said, I'd look at network and the physical properties of the phone much closer than what shows up on the screen.
+1 yeah my D1 still keeps up with some of the newer phones because of rooting it and a custom rom
Btw that reminds me of a HUGE drawback of the charge (at least I'm pretty sure that's the phone I'm thinking of)- it doesn't have a led notification light...I love knowing if I have a missed call/text/etc without having to even turn my screen on all the time
Oh and Verizon now has the LG revolution out too which supposedly has better graphics than the TB
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