Why not compare em'.... Dude this Maxx is a beast and looks great also... Just saying!!!!
Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using DroidForums
Man I'm getting no luck... I disabled G+ an I undid the my verizon update an I deleted the verizon music app...maybe I should stuck with my bionicI even have juice defender on aggressive..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Man I'm getting no luck... I disabled G+ an I undid the my verizon update an I deleted the verizon music app...maybe I should stuck with my bionicI even have juice defender on aggressive..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Even doing everything I have come across (here and elsewhere) to improve battery life, aside from rooting my phone, I still am bothered by this whole "keep awake bug" thing... I have heard the "official explanation" about it being added times, but I don't buy it... That just honestly seems like far too simple of a coding mistake to have gone unnoticed over the entire development of 4.0.x.
I do let my screen time-out on it's own literally 99% of the time, and I always open/"back"/"swipe-away"/force-close the camera when I reboot. Keep Awake time is still higher than it should be; the reason I don't "buy" their explanation is that if it truly is two times added together, why does it NEVER exceed the time my phone has been on? I tested this by restarting my phone and then browsing the internet for exactly 30min (screen on the entire time) and then let it sit for 30min after letting the screen time-out; when I checked it, total Up-Time was 1h1m39s, Screen On time was 30m8s, and keep-awake time was 48m3s; the second time, I did the same exact thing except I only let it sit for 5 minutes after the screen timed out, and got Total Up Time of 36m21s, Screen On time of 30m22s and Keep Awake time of 35m51s... It seems to me that if it "doubled" by adding two numbers together, it could exceed the total "Up Time" of the phone, yet nothing I do has been able to cause that to happen.
What a headache!
That bug is still not what's really hurting the battery. It's the screen being on that is causing the big battery drains. I don't even notice 4G using a lot of my battery, it's just my screen and I'm only at 40% brightness and have it set to turn off after 1 minute.
You'll see an improvement once they fix the keep awake bug, but I bet you $100 it doesn't even come close to helping enough to even notice. I think the best way to improve battery life is keeping brightness very low(which reduces the quality dramatically) and keeping 4G off. That's really the only way I see to greatly improve battery life.
I'm able to get through the whole day without charging myself, but I'm sure other people who have longer days than I are having trouble with this giant screen+4G. Until they incorporate similar batteries like in the Maxx, we're just going to have to keep charging up anytime we get a chance. Sucks a bit, but it's the price we pay for being early adopters.