Memory low - there is no sure fix!! I give up1
I've read everything I can and tried everything and cannot find a solution.
I have read about using root privileges and looking at a data/data partition. However I haven't read what files to delete in that partition, if I do the root thing. Is that the ONLY way that always works??
I looked at my DI connected to my Ubuntu Linux computer, thinking I could at least see the drive/partition with the data/data partition - but had no luck.
Here's my memory setup (today). SD card 1.86GB, 279MB available. Internal memory 6.6GB, 6.13GB available. Phone memory 748MB, 514MB free. 192 apps installed. (I've seen reports some have over 200 apps with no problems)
1. Seeing my buddy's DI, with more space available on the SD, and a lot less in internal memory, and 450MB free in phone memory - I moved a lot of the programs from the SD to internal. NO FIX.
2. I tried two of the CACHE cleaners and they worked temporarily sometimes. NO FIX.
3. I deleted the history in the internet browser and it helped for a bit. NO FIX.
4. I looked at the running SERVICES, and stopped some, including Skype. NO FIX
5. I cleaned out the Facebook data/cache and it fixed for a while only. NO FIX.
6. I did de-frag the SD card which needed it bad. Maybe I picked up a bit of speed, but that's all.
7. I don't have any excessively large data or cache files anywhere.
Has anyone been able to get any 'words of wisdom' from the HTC idiots that can't design a computer properly?
Has anyone come up with a way that actually works all the time. OTHER THAN A COMPLETE RESET, RE-INSTALL?
I wouldn't mind doing the reset thing if I could make it painlessly. I have the MyBackupPro app and it goofed up a bit when I tried to restore some files. It may work OK for a complete restore though.
In the meantime, I'm just ignoring the low memory icon.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I still love my incredibleDroid despite its quirk.