baseband update
Hi like to know if you can help with this question? My s3 sgh-i747 att is root with baseband I747UCALG1 and like to update to new baseband I747UCLH9 and keep my root and settings how do i do this please help thanks?
Hi like to know if you can help with this question? My s3 sgh-i747 att is root with baseband I747UCALG1 and like to update to new baseband I747UCLH9 and keep my root and settings how do i do this please help thanks?
Normally if you install an over the air update from Verizon it will strip you of your superuser ability at which point you have to search for a method, if one is even available for Re Rooting your device. Voodoo OTA RootKeeper is an app that allows you to simply backup your root, then accept the ota update, then go into the play store reinstall voodoo ota rootkeeper, then simply restore root. This is the simplest way by far to maintain root through almost any update. It is always good to get confirmation that this method works in whatever update thread is out before doing this.
Play Store Link