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Major Issues with my X2

mine lags freezes had it reboot a couple of times but the really strange thing it does is open the calculator app and hit four repeatedly then when I hit home it goes right back to hitting four again think ill be returning it maybe ill wait for the bionic
I've had lag and freezing problems. My replacement is suppose to show up tomorrow. I'll give it one more chance. My co-worker loves his.
mine lags freezes had it reboot a couple of times but the really strange thing it does is open the calculator app and hit four repeatedly then when I hit home it goes right back to hitting four again think ill be returning it maybe ill wait for the bionic

That sounds like a hardware problem with the touchscreen where it thinks it's being touched in that area. Try cleaning the screen with a safe solution or wipe, or just exchange it.
Mine's been reseting, probably happened 4 times so far. One time I was just trying to open up a finance widget. I figured gingerbread will fix it.
Mine has only rebooted twice, and both times it was shortly after disconnecting from bluetooth in my car (2ish minutes after turning the car off).
i talked to the rep at the verizon store (who is a friend of mine) and told her about the problems i was having with my droid x2 she said i should return it before it gets worse then i asked if i should wait and get the droid bionic and she said id be waiting a very long time she couldnt give me a date but sounds like it wont be anytime soon
Reboot after using camera

Mine rebooted today after using the camera (first time I tried the camera). Of course, it caused me to miss the shot of my son getting his next karate belt. Dang!
I'm having every problem in the original post, plus installing all my apps the first time about every 5-6 or so it would FC on me and I'd have to relaunch the market. Just out of curiousity, are you using LauncherPro?

Yes I amusing lancherpro

I returned the phons and got a new one. Its working better
It seems to be a lack of memory issue. I'm not sure if it's due to a memory leak somewhere or what. Removing most of my widgets and getting rid widget locker seems to have stopped the redrawing and slowdowns. My DX1 ran all of this fine, though. Not sure what to think.
Just reporting in, my X2 is flying.

Not a single issue.

Sent from my DROID X2
Mines lagging, rebooting, getting extremely hot out of nowhere. Battery went from 100 to 0 (PAST 0 as in had to leave in in charger for an hour JUST to get to the 0% screen) overnight. I just factory reset it, have to wait to activate it (really android?) but lets hope this fixes something.
Just curious, anyone that's having problems are you rooted? Did you freeze any bloat ware? Install any kind of task killer or restore apps with data in titanium backup?

I rooted, manually installed everything, froze almost all the bloat in titanium, mainly app syncing crap most of whatever the running processes screen showed that I know I didn't need.

Also using adwEX instead of blur home. Fancy widget pro, clockr, google voice, cputemp (which incidently doesn't read the cpu temp correctly, but it does memory and battery temp so it's still a nice little widget) and plume are the widgets I'm running.

It's like greased lightning. Best phone I've ever had.

Sent from my DROID X2
I'm not rooted but probably will when I activate this again tomorrow. I did have a task manager also forgot which one. I might go take it in for another one and battery. If you don't mind juhde but what where all the apps you froze? I'm new to android, and would rather not break or mess anything up.
I'm not rooted but probably will when I activate this again tomorrow. I did have a task manager also forgot which one. I might go take it in for another one and battery. If you don't mind juhde but what where all the apps you froze? I'm new to android, and would rather not break or mess anything up.

The task manager might have been part of your problem, they're a real no no, known to cause stability and battery issues.

I'll gladly write up everything I froze just not tonight, it's 1:30am but I'll post in this thread first thing in the morning.

Plus I think there are one or two more apps that can be frozen, but I want to test before I let the list into the wild.

Sent from my DROID X2
Put 'em in the coolah

Here's the list of everything I froze in Titanium.

Backup Assistant 2.2.2
Backup Assistant Client 1.0
BOOKMARKS Browser 2.2.2
Cit ID
Contacts Sync
Desk Home
Email 2.2.2
Email Authenticator 2.2.2
Email Engine
Facebook Authenticator
IM Presence
LastFM Authenticator
Lets Golf
LinkedIn Authenticator
Messages 2.2.2
Messaging 2.2.2
Motorola Dock Service
Myspace Authenticator
New & Weather
News 2.2.2
NFL Mobile
NFS Shift
Orkut Authenticator
Photobucket Authenticator
Picasa Authenticator
Quick Connect
Skype Mobile
Skyrocked Authenticator
Slacker 2.1.180
Social Messaging
Social Messaging Service
Social Networking
Social Sharing
Social Status
Suggestions Core RuleChecker Services
Suggestions Poll Scheduler Service
Sync Service 1.5.9
Task Manager 10.0
Twitter Authenticator
V CAST Music
V CAST Videos
Voicemail 1.1
VZ Navigator
Weather 2.2.2
Yahoo Contacts 2.2.2
Yahoo! Mail Authenticator 2.2.2

Obviously If you actually use any of this, don't freeze it, If you're not sure, you can always DEFROST. NEVER EVER EVER DELETE ANYTHING. If one day you do decide you want to accept a OTA update you actually need this crap installed or the update won't work. Since there is no SBF files for this phone at this time it's very very important that you don't screw up as there is NO WAY TO FIX IT AT THIS TIME.

Don't hold me responsible, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

This is just a list of what I froze, no more no less.
