Are you using both gps and the network to locate you, or just one?
You can get a better pinpoint if you use both options, from what I have experienced.
I'm no expert in radar or gps - but i don't think checking both boxes, (wireless/gps) is going to give you the most accurate reading.
Inside a structure, go Wireless, uncheck GPS.
Outside a structure, go GPS only, the most accurate.
You're not going to get an accurate GPS reading on the Droid inside, and
if you have both boxes checked, (WIRELESS AND GPS), the Droid is going
to most likely default to the wireless reading, which will give your location
close to the wireless tower the system is defaulting to. (which is going to put your real location off)
I think some people just feel if they check ALL THE BOXES availiable they are going to
get a really, really, really accurate reading - and that's just not true. In doubt, ask an expert in the field.
I've tested this procedure a many of times.
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