The only complaint that could be drawn, are that some icons are quite random to what they're being compared to. Some are excellent, but the randomization is a bit difficult to tell, especially in the dock.
- Frankie :motdroidhoriz:
In the dock, you can't see the name of the app below it like in the screen.
My thoughts:
GMAIL = Fire Mario
Music = Mario Breakdancing
Gallery = Mario Characters Filmstrip
MMS = Green [MMS ICON] Yoshi
Places = Bowser Flag
Facebook = Blue Mushroom Face
Twitter = Flying Turtle
Browser = Mario browsing out from rock
Dev Tool and Spare Parts = Wind up thingys...
Settings = Wizard
EMAIL - Pipe with envelope and @
Voice = Ghost, resembled the icon
GTalk = meh, it was white, so it fit (about only random one I put in for icon so far)
Car Launcher = Mario Kart
Genie Widget = Cloud spike thrower thing.
GMAIL Notification = Fireball (from Fire Mario)
USB Debugging - Flower
EMAIL - Pipe with flower
USB - Big Block dude... (only thing close to USB looking)
SMS - Green Yoshi Head
MMS - Red Yoshi Head
The only other "random" thing in, is the voicemail notification. The spiky turtle.
Other than that, I could have had this done in 10 minutes if I just wanted to throw icons on there. It may not seem like I had a care in the wind, but there was a thought process to my madness.