Good to know, 'cause I just finished the sholes *****in Bagel install and was trying to download SetCpu and all I get is hung up on Authorizing Purchase. Canceled a couple of times and restarted. Still trying...
I got hung up with both the SholesUpdater download and the Set CPU. I had to actually cancel the purchase, which used my 24hr refund... and then re-purchased the apps, and they worked the second time around. Not sure why. Just what I found in my own situation.
Hey Martin,
I've tried to download several of my apps, both free and paid (did a wipe with the Updater as planning to use 2.1 launcher etc.) and for all get Starting download....... didn't yet try to cancel the purchase of the SetCP and SholesUpdater because the install of bagel was sooo smooth and I don't really want to mess with uninstall to cancel the purchase and start over.
Thinking if it's just the Market problem I could wait. Well wait I have (okay, okay, only a couple of hours
) and there is a post now in this thread that the Market is up, but just slow. Now I'm wondering if I should do the uninstall and start over...