What about for those of us who had horrible battery life and didn't install that app?
Some hints :
- Phone use, music, web , and playing videos (if not together) with almost no performance noticed, using CPU at 300 MHZ max... (SETCPU) . As Droid 3 has a GPU, dual core it works fine on most tasks.
Recommended settings for long trips for longer battery life. Don't forget to reselase 300 max when using camera, heavy CPU games or capturing videos.
- Use Autorun Manager to avoid at boot not important apps that takes memory, resources and most important.. battery. Also use advanced settings to really stop them after booting.
- Use FastReboot to kill all apps EXCLUDED on your resident app list.
- Use Adblock to stop advertisement and background communications of apps.
Memory clean , less apps connected (sending and receiving info), less apps running that makes phone awake and wasting energy, slowing CPU when not needed, avoid overclock for long time or forcing governor to performance , will make the trick... and applies to all roms.