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MDW and TBH present 2.4.0 (R2D2) for the Droid 2

I'd like to compare swype versions between 2.3.15 and 2.4.0.

If you have 2.4.0 installed what version do you see in Applications>Manage>All Apps for Swype?

in the 2.3.15 leak the version number is: is the version that came with R2D2. Just checked in the APK and that's what it states.

Strange you are having problems with it...

Did you try

adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
rm /system/app/Swype.apk
pm uninstall com.swype.android.inputmethod

and then reinstall it?
If anyone is interested...I removed all the Stars Wars stuff from the ROM and replaced with it original D2 stuff. I am/was a huge stars wars fan but even this is a bit cheesey at time :) I can post it later if anyone wants it.

I did have a problem when I first installed r2d2 but it was fault by not mounting system. I am still use to the Original Droid and SPRecovery :)

Anyone notice their WiFi behaving better? In my wifi did not reconnecto to my home wireless router many times coming back from sleep but now it seems to be solid once again...

did you post any download links for the rom i d like to try it out im on the star wars r2-d2 rom now i love stars wars too but in a couple of days r2d2 chirping and whining and beeping it gonna get on my nerves so id love to try it out if i can download it ....dancedroid
I'd like to compare swype versions between 2.3.15 and 2.4.0.

If you have 2.4.0 installed what version do you see in Applications>Manage>All Apps for Swype?

in the 2.3.15 leak the version number is: is the version that came with R2D2. Just checked in the APK and that's what it states.

Strange you are having problems with it...

Did you try

adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
rm /system/app/Swype.apk
pm uninstall com.swype.android.inputmethod

and then reinstall it?

Thanks for the info...ok, so the same version as in 2.3.15.

Hmmm...I did the rm of the Swype.apk, but I did not do this:

- pm uninstall com.swype.android.inputmethod

Maybe I'll nandroid back to 2.4.0 and complete that step and then do the reinstall and see what happens...thanks for the tip!

I think I noticed a little better wifi hooking up as well, but didn't really have time to test it to confirm anything. Would be good if they have continued to improve that.

My problem is that I am so addicted to the Black Glass theme that I hate to run w/out it, so even if that fixes Swype I might find myself forced to go back to 2.5.13 for the BG beauty. :)
If anyone is interested...I removed all the Stars Wars stuff from the ROM and replaced with it original D2 stuff. I am/was a huge stars wars fan but even this is a bit cheesey at time :) I can post it later if anyone wants it.

I did have a problem when I first installed r2d2 but it was fault by not mounting system. I am still use to the Original Droid and SPRecovery :)

Anyone notice their WiFi behaving better? In my wifi did not reconnecto to my home wireless router many times coming back from sleep but now it seems to be solid once again...

did you post any download links for the rom i d like to try it out im on the star wars r2-d2 rom now i love stars wars too but in a couple of days r2d2 chirping and whining and beeping it gonna get on my nerves so id love to try it out if i can download it ....dancedroid
I'll finish it up and post it later on tonight.
For those running this unmodified - if you go into /System in Droid Root Explorer, what memory values for used and free do you see?
what's the keys for paste w/the physical keyboard...can not for the life of me figure it out...

I am not sure...wish I knew...maybe alt shift v?

I think I tried that and just got a capital V. :)

I looked in settings and can't find it there - you can set apps to launch, but I don't see a way to run copy/paste commands from the keyboard. I hope it's not gone on the D2.
I think I tried that and just got a capital V. :)

I looked in settings and can't find it there - you can set apps to launch, but I don't see a way to run copy/paste commands from the keyboard. I hope it's not gone on the D2.

Found your info in another board somewhere.... hold the menu softkey and then v/c (whichever function you need) and Viola!

Glad you asked about that... I had wondered the same thing at one time, and just resigned myself to using the touchscreen options...
I think I tried that and just got a capital V. :)

I looked in settings and can't find it there - you can set apps to launch, but I don't see a way to run copy/paste commands from the keyboard. I hope it's not gone on the D2.

Found your info in another board somewhere.... hold the menu softkey and then v/c (whichever function you need) and Viola!

Glad you asked about that... I had wondered the same thing at one time, and just resigned myself to using the touchscreen options...

Thanks! Dang...well hidden. :)
I'm about to SBF...went back to try the 2.4.0 again, and something exploded. ;)

I restored my 2.4.0 nandroid, which was running fine but swype would not work.

Went into recovery and wiped /system and reapplied D2-r2d2...rebooted and stuck at the M logo no matter what I did.

Went into stock recover and did a factory reset and still stuck at the M.

Could not get to CW recovery to load my nandroid (I guess we do need that dang bootloader cracked...instructions that let someone else get into recovery when stuck at the M didn't work for me) so I'm SBFing right now.

Then I'll root, load recovery, and restore my backup and try again. :D

SBF went fine...really odd doing part of it from a booted phone in PC mode...all my SBF-ing on the D1 was done from the boot loader exclusively...
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Reverted back to previous leak. Wifi is worse for me, battery manager still crashes, market still doesn't show protected apps so there just isn't any reason to run this build in my estimation. The work done on getting these leaks out however is always appreciated.
Yeah, it's funny - this build seems to have multiple personalities. :) Runs OK for some, not so much for some.

I SBF'd back to 2.2.20 stock, did not sign into my google account to keep the phone clear of any and all apps and settings, and then applied 2.4.0 again a few minutes ago...Swype still doesn't work, and now battery manager is FC-ing (didn't first time I loaded this, AFAIR).

I may be going to go back to my 2.3.15 Black Glass nandroid again soon...disappointed that swype doesn't work even w/this clean install. Be interesting to find out why Swype works in some cases and not others - I got the typical message about swype not being configured for my phone.
Yeah, it's funny - this build seems to have multiple personalities. :) Runs OK for some, not so much for some.

I SBF'd back to 2.2.20 stock, did not sign into my google account to keep the phone clear of any and all apps and settings, and then applied 2.4.0 again a few minutes ago...Swype still doesn't work, and now battery manager is FC-ing (didn't first time I loaded this, AFAIR).

I may be going to go back to my 2.3.15 Black Glass nandroid again soon...disappointed that swype doesn't work even w/this clean install. Be interesting to find out why Swype works in some cases and not others - I got the typical message about swype not being configured for my phone.

Edit the buildprop, change all r2d2 references to droid2 and then see if swype works. I get the battery manager just when not plugged in. If I have usb/power cable plugged in I do not get the Battery Manager FC. I tried everything I could think of to fix it but can't. If I have cable plugged in, check battery manager and then check again with cable unplugged I do not get a FC.
Yeah, it's funny - this build seems to have multiple personalities. :) Runs OK for some, not so much for some.

I SBF'd back to 2.2.20 stock, did not sign into my google account to keep the phone clear of any and all apps and settings, and then applied 2.4.0 again a few minutes ago...Swype still doesn't work, and now battery manager is FC-ing (didn't first time I loaded this, AFAIR).

I may be going to go back to my 2.3.15 Black Glass nandroid again soon...disappointed that swype doesn't work even w/this clean install. Be interesting to find out why Swype works in some cases and not others - I got the typical message about swype not being configured for my phone.

Yeah, got that swype message as well.