SS... Simply Stable
Ive ran Chevys Roms on several OG Droids, Droid X, & Have had zero problems... I follow the installation suggestions he gives to the letter, & folks when it comes to overclocking an X or Droid 2, JUST SAY NO! youre asking for force closes, bootloops, & heartache... it may run fine for a while then it will strike. They are plenty fast enough as is running on SS X. I would much rather have a device that works 100% of the time with no fails, than to push some silly benchmark score that does you zero good, & gets you sweating over your phone becoming an expensive paper weight! I also freeze ADW Launcher, & Launcher Home, & use the stock loader.... it works & works well every time, zero lag... I have spare parts & set i
the transition & animation speed for fast, & she flys. Chevy, youre a genius my man, keep up the good work!:blackdroid::heart::reddroid::heart::greendroid: