Please Help - I'm new to MM and working with files this way. I've opened data/app and found and
Does this become com.swype.apk or swype.apk? Or maybe just swype with no .anything?
Does this become com.swype.apk or swype.apk? Or maybe just swype with no .anything?
1. make sure you have the most recent MetaMorph from the market
2 with a file manager like root explorer go into /data/app and find com.swype.blahblah
3 long press on the apk and select move
4 navigate to /system/app and select past
5 long press on it again and select rename, name it swype (all lower case) then reboot phone
6 download the color of choose to pc
7 mount your sdcard and place the file you downloaded in the adroid theme folder
8 open up Metamorph and select unzip/extract new them
9 navigate to the that you placed in android theme( i think it automaticly opens in that directory) touch it and follow the prompts. when its done, reboot the phone.