God am I ever tired of companies trying to use legal means to better the competition rather than trying to just come out with a product that is better.
Problems like this are why this country is going down the crapper. Everyone who falls on hard times is looking for the easy handout rather than trying to pick themselves off the ground and do something themselves. Its all about "what can you do for me" rather than "what can I do for me". These BS lawsuits are just the easy way out, and I don't give 2 craps whether they have the legal grounds to do it. What they're essentially trying to do is completely stop the growth of a brand that is taking off and actually being innovative. They want to control the market to do with it whatever THEY want with absolutely no regard to the consumer and its just bad. Yes, we can thank Apple for this, because they were the ones that started it. The attacks they've launched against Samsung have been downright shameful.
Its depressing that this country has become so me-centered that nobody is willing to work together anymore. Its all about how much you can squeeze out of something without having to share. The economy is in the crapper, nobody anywhere can find work once they've been laid off (I would know) and instead of trying to be innovative and progressive and trying to expand their product and market share, they try to run the other companies straight out of business through lawsuits, which put more people on the unemployment line. F'n wonderful. I'm sick of it.