I answered this over on Android Central... you won't like the answer, your "ro.cid" file is not what is expected and this update has that as a dependency so it fails when data is not what it expects, seems to be an occasional issue with HTC rooted phones and updates. You are probably stuck until you relock, reflash the original RUU, update, unlock, and re-root, or just flash a custom ROM.I checked and Toggle Signature Verification in CWM is disabled. I tried downloading the update and then copying it to the SD card and ran it from there but it also fails. Curious. Any help is appreciated.
The error message looked to me as if there was a problem with an incorrect property value. This suggests that the problem might be a modified /system/build.prop file, or a conflict with a property that's being set in a /data/local.prop file. If it's the former, the OP just needs to find a copy of the original, either by extracting it from the RUU file, or if he saved a copy of the original, copying it back into the build.prop file. If it's a property defined in /data/local.prop, he can just rename that file temporarily and re-try the update. I know it's not trivial, but it's not as involved as doing a factory reset/RUU thing... Good luck OP! cheers, johnI answered this over on Android Central... you won't like the answer, your "ro.cid" file is not what is expected and this update has that as a dependency so it fails when data is not what it expects, seems to be an occasional issue with HTC rooted phones and updates. You are probably stuck until you relock, reflash the original RUU, update, unlock, and re-root, or just flash a custom ROM.
The error message looked to me as if there was a problem with an incorrect property value. This suggests that the problem might be a modified /system/build.prop file, or a conflict with a property that's being set in a /data/local.prop file. If it's the former, the OP just needs to find a copy of the original, either by extracting it from the RUU file, or if he saved a copy of the original, copying it back into the build.prop file. If it's a property defined in /data/local.prop, he can just rename that file temporarily and re-try the update. I know it's not trivial, but it's not as involved as doing a factory reset/RUU thing... Good luck OP! cheers, john
It seems I usually find what I'm looking for after I make a post . . .
Would this be the proper RUU?
[Exclusive Download] HTC Rezound Ice Cream Sandwich RUU For Final OTA (3.14.605.12)
I'm having a little trouble with the update.
Phone info:
HTC Rezound stock ICS (rooted to remove htclinkifydispatcher)
CWM Recovery
Downloaded and tried to apply the update. The phone reboots and starts to apply the update. I then get the following in CWM Recovery:
ClockworkMod Recovery v6.0.1.0
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E: failed to verify whole-file signature
E: signature verification failed.
The menu displays:
Install Untrusted Package?
If I select "Yes - Install untrusted zip," I get the following:
Installing update...
assert failed: check_cid(getprop("ro.cid"), "00000000" , "11111111" , etc. , "99999999" , "VZW__001") == "t"
E:Error in /cache/fumo/OTAPkg.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted
I wiped the cache partition and dalvik cache twice and tried again with the same results.
Does anyone know what is going wrong? Could it have anything to do with my buildprop edit to remove htclinkifydispatcher? Would Toggle Signature Verification in CWM doing anything or would that be a very bad idea?