Hmm, I'm going to retry
I was just wondering if this passed under the radar?
MIUI 3D Gallery
UPDATE: I installed this and saw a VERY big speed improvement with image loading times. VERY NICE! Below I am providing a link to the file for those who do not have accounts. So far as I can tell, there is no need to translate. BTW folks don't be fooled like I was in thinking that they skinned Galler3D. LOL @ me... they didn't. The pic below is just a screencap of a blue image the has been opened up in gallery.
Gallery3D.apk <---(you need to push this to /system/app to overwrite the old Gallery3D.apk)
I installed this and it looks nothing like the image in the OP. Just looks like the original galley. Also my pics don't seem to load that much faster. I know I'm not reverting to original gallery because I changed the extension to .bak. What gives? Where did I screw up?
You're not doing anything wrong, both stock and this one look exactly the same; possibly because the MIUI version is just a modded stock gallery.
It should be pointed out that this modded gallery3d.apk will NOT allow you to change the lockscreen wallpaper to an image in your gallery. You will need to either switch back and forth between modded and stock to do it, or leave the stock gallery on the phone.
What I ended up doing was simply reflashing 12.3.2 and once my phone booted back up, the option to choose a lockscreen wallpaper from my gallery was restored.
What I ended up doing was simply reflashing 12.3.2 and once my phone booted back up, the option to choose a lockscreen wallpaper from my gallery was restored.
By re-flashing 12.3.2, you replaced the Gallery3D.apk from this thread with the one from 12.3.2. That's why it works.
edit: removed most of the quote.