The newest EliteProHD is just sic with the flow on the icons at the bottom and the newest zip of wallpapers..
:icon_ banana:
What is dock flow and how do i enable it? Thanks....
Dock flow is installing icons that are skewed in order to make the dockbar as if it is staggered. You need to go to
[THEME] Elite Pro HD (BETA)).. Go to page 72, post 719. He gives you a zip of the icons and wallpapers. There are skewed icons to insert. You need to change his main download from .mtz to .zip and go into framework/res/drawable-hdpi-finger and replace the pngs for the icons, but they have to have the same name. Rename his skewed icon that you want to use i.e. icon_gmail.png
Hope that helped..
EDIT... Be sure once you are done to rename his file back to .mtz and put it in your theme folder. Works like a charm.. Make sure you use the right slant depending on the icon you are wanting to replace. You'll understand once you look at the png files.