I can't seem to get Swype to install on 1.6.24. I haven't had much of any problems on the other builds. =[
Yes, Swype 3 has been a pain and it took me a while to get it going. I actually went through the process twice on 1.6.24 when testing it and I think I may have a process that should work.
First, uninstall everything swype, the keyboard and the installer.
Reboot phone into recovery, wipe cache (just making sure it is all gone)
Download swype installer on phone
Install swype (I have used the smaller eng/span but either should work)
Swype will not be able to register because you can't disable swype
Use MIUI Backup to backup swype (just the keyboard, not the installer)
uninstall swype (just keyboard)
Reboot phone
Verify the android keyboard is selected in settings (make sure there is orange dot next to it, select it if there isn't)
Run Swype Installer, select keyboard to download, when swype comes up to install, select cancel
Run MIUI Backup to restore swype
Go to settings and again make sure android keyboard is selected (orange dot next to it)
Go into program where you can use keyboard, bring up android keyboard
Long press on text box to bring "Input method"
Select Swype
Cross Fingers
Swype tutorial comes up, cancel it
Keep fingers crossed
Hopefully swype keyboard works
Swype 2 used to work out of the box from a restore with MIUI Backup on previous releases (or at least it did for me for a string of 5-6 weeks). Unfortunately it didn't this week, so I have my doubts for the coming weeks. I will be trying to get it to work each week, so hopefully we can refine this process and I will get somebody it to sticky it.