yes both files were moved can Ido it again there were 9 boxes top3 wernt ckd middle3 were bottom middle wasnt ckd I ckd it but not top 3Chkmate my mms is not working I do have handcent I folowed your instructions now all I have for messages is hancent the stock messenger is gone it used to give you option now it doesnt I can reload the whole rom again if thats what it takes dont have that much in it If I do should I load blurless or blured except for that blureless was working fine if I have to download blured do I start from scratch I really like this rom Ill do what it takes Thanks
Those are my moved both files in and set permissions, right? And rebooted?
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Check all the boxes in left column, and the top box in the middle column. Uncheck all the others... then reboot. That should do it

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