Please accept our apology
Dear Romeov,
It has recently came to my attention that our product offering has caused you and perhaps other users undue distress.
We hereby sincerely and solemnly apologize for any unhappiness it might have caused you.
We have came to the realization that, due to an oversight, we may have accidentally caused you to incur cost unknowingly when using the WaveSecure service provided by us.
This happened due to an unexpected carrier-charging behavior that, much to our regret, we did not consider when making the WaveSecure service available for download – we serve users in 140 countries and US is the only country where carriers may charge users to RECEIVE SMS*. We do apologize for the inconvenience or costs incurred so far, and will be rectifying the system to ensure this will not happen again**.
If you would kindly let us know how much you have spent on using WaveSecure, by emailing us your mobile number and address at whyamipayingtorecievesms at tenCube dot com, we will be glad to reimburse you for the expenditure, by sending you a small gift of 10 gumballs, worth US $2.50, as a token of apology. We hope that the small token may bring a smile to your child and relieve you from the distress that we may have caused – do cheer up, it is Christmas after all.
I will be in the United States in March next year and would also personally visit you to provide the foot rub as requested. However, my fingers are heavily calloused from writing code in the day, and mopping floor at KFC at night to finance the DSL line of our garage where we host the server**, so I am a little hesitant on the quality of service I can provide you.
Aside from that, please do let us know how we can possibly compensate you for the trouble we have put you through.
CEO, tenCube WaveSecure
* For the sake of clarity, we would like to indicate that the above statement is by no means any expression of opinion of the business practices of any carrier, we recognize that it is a difficult to run a carrier business and maintain EBITA of over 45%, and thus some carriers may need to charge users for the device, plan, and further for receiving SMS.
** Guys, our NOC (network operations center) for U.S. is being set up right now, all your SMSes will come from a local gateway within 2 weeks, so there will not be any charges.
*** Just kidding, the server is hosted at Rackspace, one of the best damn datacenters, they sure overcharge though.