Moto ACTV on the Galaxy Nexus


Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
What would it take for me to get moto actv to work with my soon to be delivered galaxy nexus? I mean could I just take the files from my droid and side load them on there or what? I ask because I'm waiting on Let'sTalk to deliver my phone and the Moto ACTV is something I have needed since last triathlon season and I intend on using it during this year's training.(Last year I was dreaming and wishing of just such a device and moto came through for me, unfortunately I like Android, not just Moto Android).

Anywho, if someone would be willing to help me make this happen, I'd be willing to donate toward your efforts!
so is that a no? No one knows how I can accomplish this?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Unfortunately I'm not sure about this, just because the Gnex doesn't have SD, or USB mass storage.

Sent from my Cellular telecommunications device, manufactured by Motorola.
Thanks I downloaded it but I don't have a way to open the file yet but I will. Also, can you give me a link to the thread in xda? Thanks again!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Very simple... unzip it and upload the .apk as an attachment to your Gmail account. From there, Gmail will give you an option to install it straight from Gmail. Provided you enabled 3rd party applications, you're just 1 click away.

MOTOACTV apk for non Motorola? - xda-developers