So this news all really has me going.
but 2 other people on my plan have upgrades, and I may be able to bribe them with a cheap/free hand me down droid and a few months of their phone bill so I can use their upgrade. Once I'm eligible from an upgrade, do I have to use it within any amount of time or is it good for the remainder of my contract?
If you are lead on the acct and one of the two aint your wife. Take it
RHIP=rank has it's privleges...........
If the above is not the case well; start sniveling
I wish I were so lucky. Nah, I'm a secondary account on it, but it's really a shared deal "we all split the bill evenly and no one person has priority" so it's a matter of just brokering what works best for everyone. At least one person on it is unlikely to want a smartphone, so I don't know if I could use that one. Because of the required data plan, I'm thinking, even if she upgrades to a smartphone and then immediately switches to a regular phone, that data plan is probably part of the 2-year "commitment" and it couldn't be downgraded back when the phone is changed, so I'd have to rely on the other person switching at some point and being willing to get my phone free instead of a cutting edge one for 1-200 bucks.
Then just wait; patience is a virtue.....
Just a suggestion from here on out I would do a 1yr......