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Moto Droid/Android.....Are We Beta Testers?

The first thing I'd remove is Lookout Mobile Security. Everything I've read says antivirus apps cause trouble. I have many of the listed apps, including Weatherbug and Google Sky Maps and don't have any problems.
If BB has all their problems worked out then somebody forgot to tell that to the BB Storm. That's the phone I came from. *cringe*

Back on point...

While the Droid is not perfect, it's far from a device that is screwing you over by 3 different companies. That's why they continue to push OTA updates. And if there is a problem with the device, you are sitting on a goldmine of resources here so take full advantage of that. Do a master reset, it's not really gonna hurt anything. I did 1 a while back and everything is fine.

As somebody stated earlier, since the Market is not being strangled by Google, there could certainly be less then great programming on some apps, it happens.

I think it's exciting to be on the bleeding edge as far as cell phones go, and I knew that going into buying a Droid that the potential for issues was certainly there (see 1st line of my post for more details), thats how I found this place. I had a problem, found the forum, did a search, got my answer a moved on.

There are some really smart people here and I feel grateful that they are willing to help.


Also wasn't GMail in beta for ever?
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How about a nice Blackberry Storm!!! Give that one a try and get back to me in 30 days.:icon_ devil:
I call: another troll post.

There are enough threads with people coming on, complaining, saying they're going to leave Droid or android in general, and look, no surprise, there's an AV listed in there besides some other questionable apps.

Plain and simple: remove all apps, batt pull / reset and use the phone as is, then add one app at a time.

Care to leave? Be seeing you. For 90% of the time this is a user issue, not the phone, not the OS.
I also tend to agree that O.P. might have been trolling. In the first few posts, we're beta testers, we're sodomized, and one said Apple has no problems. That list of applications in itself tell me they're asking for issues with the phone. I came from a BB Curve then Storm. If there was ever a time in my life I felt like a beta tester, it was the past 3 years before the Droid. I have no problems with my current Droid O.S. and if I do, the factory reset and installing the programs one at a time have solved the issues. Get rid of all 3rd party Home programs as a start. This is not a cheerleading site either, I've found many solutions to problems and ideas how to make my Droid run better. As for Apple....come on, don't even tell us the iPhone is better. Plus you have AT&T's minute 3G network, EDGE and GSM. And they are telling you to limit your data usage on the iPhone. Now that the iMaxipad is introduced for AT&T...without upgrading their current 3G, how do they expect things to run more smoothly now?

Try some of the suggestions from this "cheerleading site" and see if it fixes your problems.
I call: another troll post.

There are enough threads with people coming on, complaining, saying they're going to leave Droid or android in general, and look, no surprise, there's an AV listed in there besides some other questionable apps.

Plain and simple: remove all apps, batt pull / reset and use the phone as is, then add one app at a time.

Care to leave? Be seeing you. For 90% of the time this is a user issue, not the phone, not the OS.

Explain the call quality. That has nothing to do with the apps. Up until two weeks ago the phone worked ok, other than the mp3 and streaming audio/video (DroidLive and YouTube) one of which is a oem app. Tried to load a video from an email link and guess what, it didn't work. Been that way since day one. Before any of these apps were loaded. Now if I reset (reboot) the phone they work but only for a limited time. As soon as the mail gets pulled, or another apps runs, they die.
I and many others have ZERO Call quality issues. You may indeed have a HW issue, but the open nature of your opening post and subsequent ones fits the profile.

I call it as I see it.

Still having issues, take it in. Or make some meaningful posts that ask for assistance, remembering that most everyone here is NOT going to just blindly agree with you that the phone, OS or Google / Moto is just out to have us work out the bugs, etc.

Nothing is bug free, most of the time the community gets together and solves our own issues if possible, more so with an open source OS like android.

I would go back and re-read Vulcan's post above yours.

Onwards ...
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I also tend to agree that O.P. might have been trolling. In the first few posts, we're beta testers, we're sodomized, and one said Apple has no problems. That list of applications in itself tell me they're asking for issues with the phone. I came from a BB Curve then Storm. If there was ever a time in my life I felt like a beta tester, it was the past 3 years before the Droid. I have no problems with my current Droid O.S. and if I do, the factory reset and installing the programs one at a time have solved the issues. Get rid of all 3rd party Home programs as a start. This is not a cheerleading site either, I've found many solutions to problems and ideas how to make my Droid run better. As for Apple....come on, don't even tell us the iPhone is better. Plus you have AT&T's minute 3G network, EDGE and GSM. And they are telling you to limit your data usage on the iPhone. Now that the iMaxipad is introduced for AT&T...without upgrading their current 3G, how do they expect things to run more smoothly now?

Try some of the suggestions from this "cheerleading site" and see if it fixes your problems.

How about I call your Vulcan with a VTX 1800? Trust me, I'm no troll, just getting frustrated with a phone that doesn't work as it should. Do I root it to make it work, or shouldn't the carrier/manufacturer make it right? I get picked on at work from the iclone folks because when I try to run an app it dies or won't run. I look like the fool. I'm taking it back to have it swapped for another. If it works, GREAT!!! If not, time to move on and at least find one that does allow me a decent phone converation and has some apps. I only use it for email, web, facebook, and the occasional toy app.

BTW, I was not the one speaking of the site as a "cheerleading site", so please get your facts correct. I've been on this board basically from the start but only post when needed. I mostly sit back and soak up the information and try recommended apps without voiding the warranty of the phone. I don't want a brick. My government issued 8830 with CAC reader has worked fine since issued. Yes an older BB but it has given me no problems other than signal quality here and there. I'm definitely not a Mac/Apple lover and have no reservations with RIM, but to get shown up by an iPhone and knowing my 8830 works shows that at least my Droid has some major problems.
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I also feel we are beta testers. But for whom? Motorola? Verizon? Google? There is no single point of contact to get support or report bugs. And rah rah cheerleading sites like this are not particulary useful. The fragmentation of the Android platforrm is becoming increasingly worrisome, especially after google came out with a clearly superior phone with the N1.

We are geting sodomized, by all three companies, as usual.

There is no way to diagnose problems on this phone without knowing what has been installed. No app for that? What a surprise.

I think Aplle, as much as I despise them, may be the way to go.

You've got to be kidding...hows this site not useful? I have been able to get my already awesome performing Droid, to perform beyond what I ever thought it was capable of doing, just solely by reading this site! And that is a fact. This is the best piece of technology ive ever owned in my life, and for people like you to put a luxury like the droid down just tells me that you are never satisfied with anything in life and dont appreciate things you have. The only other technology that compares to the droid is the iphone, and that says a lot in itself. That something was even invented that competes with iphone amazes me, and then to know that I own it! Just makes me feel super lucky to have that privilege...
I completely agree with you. The iPhone may look sleek and sexy but it doesn't come close to the DROID!!!
New Droid will ship from Verizon Monday. After showing the local store tech the problems I've had with this phone he placed a call and I spoke to CS. A replacement is being shipped. I'll give that one a try.
New Droid will ship from Verizon Monday. After showing the local store tech the problems I've had with this phone he placed a call and I spoke to CS. A replacement is being shipped. I'll give that one a try.
Good news. Please post an update next week and let us know how it works out.