Moto Headphones $25

Got mine in this morning and LOVE them so far! Right now using them with my iTouch. Will be trying them on my phone later to see how they sound on there, but man, I'm floored with the sound quality. Much better than I thought it would be and these things are actually pretty damn comfortable.

I love it when toys work out.
I just wandered the breadth of my house with no connection issues on mine. I'm planning on using mine in the gym, so this should be an overall winner for me.
I have a question on these headphones.
The sound is great but is there a way to get the notification sounds to come through the headphones instead of the droid when they are paired up? As it is now, my music will pause when I get a notification but the sound comes through the droid speaker instead.
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Guess I should make a new thread, but earbud bluetooth for $30, original price of 80, free shipping.
I'm from PA so it's probably the philly NY metro area.
I wish I could do ear buds but i've tried dozens and dozens and none are ever comfortable nor do they ever stay in ear. I mostly use Sony's that are ear clips and I have a pair of big over the ear Senneheisers as well but there are so many ear buds I would love to use. Such a shame. That looks lke a lot of wire for a wireless BT headset too lol.

I'm waiting on my $30 refurbished moto headphones from Ebay. They shipped today from new york. Does anyone have any reports of how many hours of use you can get out of motorkrs with a single charge?

Regarding the notification sounds coming through the speaker and not the headphones, is it possible to just silence notifications all together? If you can't get them to play through the BT headpones i'm guessing that's what i'll do. I'm excited to own a pair of wireless headphones. I just hope the sound is good and they are comfortable but this seems to be the most popular headphones for the droid so hopefully all will be fine.
Got mine yesterday. Worth every penny. People complain about the bass not being strong enough... it's fine. It's BT!! meaning wireless!! The sound quality is very good, and the call sound quality is excellent. I can't really come up with anything that hasn't being said already, so I'll just say this:
HIGHLY recommended for that price.
Sheesh! Wish I could've gotten mine for such a low price. I paid the original price, minus 25% discount (at the wife's tip, cause we had the discount on accessories). The only thing I don't like about these headphones is that they fit kinda loose on me, so even though the low-end tones are there, I'm not getting them as nice as I could if the 'phones were a bit more snug to my ears. Nice item though. My first set of wireless headphones, and the range is decent too.
These have fantastic battery life. I'm at 7 hours right now. The reason it's fantastic is they advertise 6.5. They do start to make my right ear numb at times but I like them enough to adjust every now and again. $30 for these is a steal.

Anyone know of any droid compatable headphones with better sound quality, comfort and battery life?

I can see why these are universally popular but now that i'm living this wire free life, I want to improve!