I have to say, Motorola's Customer Support is almost as bad as Microsoft's when you call about a red ring on your 360.. lol.
I did manage to get my Battery, Extended Door, Media Dock, and HDMI cable. It was a ***** to deal with them. I spoke to a girl on the phone who clearly had no idea what she was talking about when it came to my order. She managed to cancel my order and told me to resubmit it. Upon canceling my order, she sent me a handtyped email that looked liked something an 8 year old would type - bad grammar, misspelled words, random caps on words... I almost thought I was getting scammed here.
Could of days ago it did show up though. I drained the battery completely before charging. I used it moderately yesterday and ended up having around 40 to 50% after 17 hours. Not bad at all. I'm still anal about finding a half decent case that fits for it now.