What Damage Will It Do?
You guys who are rooted are CRAZY to accept an OTA update from Motorola. Un-rooting is only the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the damage that thing can inflict on a rooted phone.
You may be right! I'd only heard of people loosing root with past OTA's. I decided to try the update and after seeing a few progress bars fly by, I'm stuck at the Exclamation Point Triangle and the little green droid.
What has just happened to my phone?
Any ideas on what to do next?
UPDATE: Hitting the power button brought me to my clockwork recovery screen. The text that came up says:
"ClockworkMod Recovery v.
Finding update package....
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E: signature verification failed
Installation aborted."
I have my Clockwork options and will reboot the phone.
So I guess if you are running rooted Stock the way I am, using ADB (not SP recovery), the update might just fail?