I'm really not trying to be stubborn here, or a fanboi. Trust me, I'm not a Moto fanboia, but no... I never heard the Turbo 2 was "break proof" or "shock proof".
"But it’s the Turbo 2 that’s getting top billing today, thanks to a display that Verizon and Motorola describe as "shatterproof" and able to withstand drops and tumbles like few smartphones before it. "At Motorola, we’re all about trying to solve real consumer problems. One of the problems today is that phones are just too fragile," said Motorola president Rick Osterloh. Motorola's display technology is branded Moto ShatterShield. "Building a shatteproof screen was not an easy task," he said adding that it took the company's engineers three years to perfect "a world-first innovation."
"Motorola touts as being “shatterproof”. The display offers a special tech called Moto Shatter Sheild technology, which Motorola was so confident that it drop-tested the phone on stage — and yes it survived."
The Official Launch
Start at around the 6 minute mark.
I don't know much that happened with Green Line Gate. I do know both VZW and Moto first blamed it on drops, and I only know that from a Google Search TODAY. I did not follow that closely at all.
So I stand by what I said: I never heard either of those terms uttered by VZW or Moto re: Turbo 2.
I may not be an attorney...but I work with them.