Running CM10.2 with Android 4/3 and loving it! Battery is EXCELLENT!!!!
Was running Cm10.1 for 4 months and tried a dirty flash of .2 which caused issues for me. Knew it wasn't the best thing to do, and knew a fresh and clean install is always better. However, as a Noob, I decided to give it a try, just to have a reflash experience and see what happens

Figured I had to do a clean install install eventually

But, having a problem, solving it, and seeing it, is a great learning experience! Glad I tried it.
Here's my experience with my Xt912:
1. Wiped my entire phone first using Matt's Utility to restore JB OTA .16 (stock). Tested.
2. Rooted, also using Matts Utility. Tested.
3. Ran Titanium Backup Pro.
4. Restored apps from prior TiBU to stock side. (Never install TiBu system files!. Just back up apps and data.)
5. Installed Safestrap Tested boot to stock and tested stock boot from within SS.
6. Booted into SS and did nandroid backup - must do because it backups up entire phone.
7 Installed CM.2 and Gapps to slot 1.
8. Tested boot from Slot 1 and stock boot.
9. Booted into Cm10.2, restored apps from TiBu backup, and then backed up and created new backup.
These links always help me!! I keep them handy and nearby

If u are new to this, research, read and learn prior to jumping in!!!
How to use DROID RAZR Utility XT912 Jellybean to restore and root your Device:
(This is a great video by RootJunky. Watch it before doing anything! When ready to try, bit the pause button and listen! Don't miss a step!!!!! Have all the files u need already installed on your PC.
The following info is included on above video page
**Link to Droid Razr Utility from Matt:
DROID RAZR Utility XT912 Jellybean -- Windows + Mac + Linux (All In One!) - Droid Razr Development [XT912] -
**Motorola DROID RAZR XT912 Factory Cable for Fastboot mode0 Unroot Unbrick Rooted.
I ordered one on Amazon (much cheaper $4) months ago and never used it. Then one day, my battery really went nuts during a download and I needed it!
Motorola DROID RAZR XT912 Factory Cable for Fastboot mode Unroot Unbrick Rooted - usbstyle
CyanogenMod Downloads (CM10.1 or CM10.2) and GApps. be sure to install correct GAPPS!
CyanogenMod Downloads
Information: Motorola Droid RAZR/RAZR MAXX (CDMA) ("spyder") - CyanogenMod
If u need help, pls visit forums. --- I'm only sharing my "How To" experience with you. The only fixes I know are WIPES, because I am an elevated NOOB. HA HA! I spent hours and hours of reading and watching videos, and asking questions in forums, prior to rooting!! glad I did because u learn from it. Simply being told how to do something (without any knowledge of good or bad results) is dangerous.
Good luck and keep this page handy. One day u may use it
