Ran Matt's utility in march with great results. Rooted and Safestrap,and installed Cm10 Roms.
Something went wrong and i have lost all network connectivity. the radio fails to connect to VZW service.
I can text without home wifi, and can connect to internet via home wifi and 4g. But, I can't make or receive calls.
Thought it may be Sim issue, and picked up a new card today. No good. Still fails.
So, my options are few. If it's something that I can't fix, I have insurance on the "lost" bricked phone. But, I luv the phone and want to fix it-if possible. Throwing it out the window is my last resort
So, how can I restore my rooted phone to factory condition. If it can't be fixed - VZ will replace it if they don't see root and Saestrap
Any and all suggestions are needed and appreciated.