:motdroidhoriz: HELP FREAKING OUT! Please Help!
Dec. 2010 Verizon Motorola Droid FORCED update destroyed my root access and corrupted all rooted apps & several non rooted apps, corrupted the ability to pair blue-tooth.
Titanium Backup Pro root stopped working after today's "FORCED" Verizon Motorola droid update. Worked perfect before Verizon FORCED update. Before allowing update to restart phone, used my Titanium Backup Pro PAID version to backed up everything then uploaded to DropBox.
This is truly unbelievable, the "FORCED MANDATORY VERIZON MOTOROLA DROID", update corrupted my rooting app Z4root, (which has now been removed from the market) my BusyBox (which no longer works with this update), SuperUser app & other apps. I tried to access my phones TI Pro backup app it won't allow me access says may phone has to be rooted. So I downloaded & reinstalled Z4root, BusyBox & SuperUser & set them up again. Same problem from your TI Pro still says can't access needs root access. Verizon is assh****, sorry but I am upset.
I called Verizon tech (morons), I mean support, told them that after the FORCED MANDATORY UPDATE, the update corrupted some of my apps. The tech ask if I had a mod installed & or had rooted the phone, OF COURSE I DENIED IT, the tech said they had a number of people calling today with same problem & just to let me know that such programs violate my Verizon TOS agreement & voids my phones warranty. I again DENIED ANY SUCH DOING. What bulls*** they are feeding me it is my phone I can do as I please, what assh**** Verizon, Google, Motorola & Droid is. I asked if their UPDATE contained any code to disable any programs, the tech stated that while he can not specifically answer that question, that Verizon has the right to FORCE download & install Mandatory updates that would improve the phone, or enforce their TOS policy, (basically what ever they want) what crap. It does not seem right that they can do this.
Fortunately I do have things backed up to SD & to DropBox. Cant access a good backup on TI Pro, because the recent VERIZON Droid Forced update NO LONGER allows the root access to work, disables Z4root, BusyBox & SuperUser. I have now gone through the trouble of doing a hard reset to my phone, reinstalling the above apps & still the problem exist, no root access. Someone said the VERIZON Droid update may have locked the NAND which I have not been able to unlock.
Please forgive my anger, the injustice of the destruction the "FORCED VERIZON MANDATORY UPDATE" & their arrogance in that they own my phone & they can do what they please. I pay them a huge amount of money for their service & this is how they repay me.
Log Collector version: 1.1.0
Device model: Droid
Firmware version: 2.2.1
Kernel version:
Build number: FRG83D
:motdroidhoriz: HELP FREAKING OUT! Please Help!
Dec. 2010 Verizon Motorola Droid FORCED update destroyed my root access and corrupted all rooted apps & several non rooted apps, corrupted the ability to pair blue-tooth.
Titanium Backup Pro root stopped working after today's "FORCED" Verizon Motorola droid update. Worked perfect before Verizon FORCED update. Before allowing update to restart phone, used my Titanium Backup Pro PAID version to backed up everything then uploaded to DropBox.
This is truly unbelievable, the "FORCED MANDATORY VERIZON MOTOROLA DROID", update corrupted my rooting app Z4root, (which has now been removed from the market) my BusyBox (which no longer works with this update), SuperUser app & other apps. I tried to access my phones TI Pro backup app it won't allow me access says may phone has to be rooted. So I downloaded & reinstalled Z4root, BusyBox & SuperUser & set them up again. Same problem from your TI Pro still says can't access needs root access. Verizon is assh****, sorry but I am upset.
I called Verizon tech (morons), I mean support, told them that after the FORCED MANDATORY UPDATE, the update corrupted some of my apps. The tech ask if I had a mod installed & or had rooted the phone, OF COURSE I DENIED IT, the tech said they had a number of people calling today with same problem & just to let me know that such programs violate my Verizon TOS agreement & voids my phones warranty. I again DENIED ANY SUCH DOING. What bulls*** they are feeding me it is my phone I can do as I please, what assh**** Verizon, Google, Motorola & Droid is. I asked if their UPDATE contained any code to disable any programs, the tech stated that while he can not specifically answer that question, that Verizon has the right to FORCE download & install Mandatory updates that would improve the phone, or enforce their TOS policy, (basically what ever they want) what crap. It does not seem right that they can do this.
Fortunately I do have things backed up to SD & to DropBox. Cant access a good backup on TI Pro, because the recent VERIZON Droid Forced update NO LONGER allows the root access to work, disables Z4root, BusyBox & SuperUser. I have now gone through the trouble of doing a hard reset to my phone, reinstalling the above apps & still the problem exist, no root access. Someone said the VERIZON Droid update may have locked the NAND which I have not been able to unlock.
Please forgive my anger, the injustice of the destruction the "FORCED VERIZON MANDATORY UPDATE" & their arrogance in that they own my phone & they can do what they please. I pay them a huge amount of money for their service & this is how they repay me.
Log Collector version: 1.1.0
Device model: Droid
Firmware version: 2.2.1
Kernel version:
Build number: FRG83D
I got the update as well.
So far, no problems. There was an issue where Dolphin Browser, Barcode Scanner, and Skype didn't have their usual icons(was replaced with the screen and gear icon), and when I tried opening them to refresh the icon, Launcher Pro and the respective application force closed. Everything is fine after a restart.
However, has anyone noticed the different vibration? I don't remember seeing it on the update list, but now it sounds like something from a sci-fi movie. I don't use a ringer either, my phone is always on vibrate.
Got the update yesterdaySeems to fix quite a few things. One thing that annoyed me was on full desktop I couldn't select anything higher than 240p or maximum at 320p where as on my first Droid X (before 6 replacements) I could do any of those resolutions and it played. Now I can select 720p, though it's choppy, I can at least select it, but 480p plays well on full screen. That's good enough for me. Now if they could get the flash via my Mediasmart Home Servers streamer to not slightly have the audio go out of sync when I stream movies from it to my Droid X, that would be fantastic!