I don't want to rain on everyones parade but please consider this before clicking the link above to sign up for the soak test.
First, you must completely understand what a soak test is. It IS a TEST and by signing up you are (or at least should be) responsible to report back to the motorola support forums any problems you encounter. It only serves to make the final build that much better.
It is a test, so it may not be the final version and you must understand that it could potentially cause problems on your phone. So remember, by signing up, you ae assuming that responsibility.
It is NOT an early preview for a gifted few or those who can't wait for the final version. It is a test, and for it to work, you really need to provide accurate feedback on the motorola support forums.
I really can't say this enough. I have taken part in many tests and fedback is very valuable. I have seen it many times in the past too where people have been "soaked" and do nothing but complain about it. If yo uare signing up just to get it early, take into onsideration that it is like a lottery and not everyone gets it so unless you intend on participating, hold off until the final version arrives so someone who is going to participate and contribute can.
Sorry for the rant, I just want to make sure everyone understands what it is.
End Rant.