MP3s in alarm?

Make sure to unmount the SDCard from the computer and let it "refresh" it. (It will say Prepating SDCard) and then let it refresh after that's done for a few seconds so it recognizes the files.
Hi everyone, am new to DROID and new to this FORUM. I am trying to change the ringtone for my alarm so I don't have a heart attack when it goes off! I've read the above but still don't get it. I keep getting the same list of ugly alarm sounds. I don't know how to create the folders on the SD please as I am using my old Blackberry as my alarm clock!
You can also create ringtones for the alarm with Ringdroid, I kind of flipped through the thread so if it's already been mentioned I apologize for the repeat. Ringdroid is very simple to use, might suit your purposes just fine.
So here's my deal. Right when I got my Droid I went all crazy and downloaded the first thing I saw to get music on it, Salling Media Sync (the free version). I put about 200 songs on my Droid from my macbook, no big deal. But now I really want to use some of them as a ringtone for the alarm because I'm getting terribly sick of the terrible stock tones. Following the above advice, I added a folder called "media" with folders for "ringtones" "notifications" and "alarms". However, I don't know how to get songs into the folders. I tried dragging songs individually on my computer desktop from my iTunes folder to my new Droid folders, but the one song I tried took FOREVER (like 30 minutes) so I stopped it before it finished. What am I doing wrong?

A frenzied girl with a Droid and a Macbook
thats weird, I have a macbook too and have never had it take that long. Even full length 1gig movies don't take nearly that long. Did you make sure to mount? Maybe the music is right protected? Maybe the computer wasn't running well, could try to restart it. Maybe too many apps were running on your droid? Maybe there isn't enough space on your sd card? I don't know if its even possible that any of these would cause a problem, I'm just trying to throw ideas out there.
you can create these folders anywhere...the system will detect them HAH!

you can create a single "media" folder with subfolders "alarms,notifications,etc" and it'll work

or you can just create the alarms,notifications,etc in the root of the sd card, and it will work as well

your choice!
yeah I have Media:
Video:movies:trailers:droid video:music videos
Photos:Wife: son: Droid: random: etc etc

I like to keep organized
So here's my deal. Right when I got my Droid I went all crazy and downloaded the first thing I saw to get music on it, Salling Media Sync (the free version). I put about 200 songs on my Droid from my macbook, no big deal. But now I really want to use some of them as a ringtone for the alarm because I'm getting terribly sick of the terrible stock tones. Following the above advice, I added a folder called "media" with folders for "ringtones" "notifications" and "alarms". However, I don't know how to get songs into the folders. I tried dragging songs individually on my computer desktop from my iTunes folder to my new Droid folders, but the one song I tried took FOREVER (like 30 minutes) so I stopped it before it finished. What am I doing wrong?

A frenzied girl with a Droid and a Macbook

Dear Fenzied Girl,

go to the market and download Astro File manager.
once installed open it up and navigate to you sdcard find the songs you wish to copy to your folders and long press of the file and select copy you can then go to the folder you want to paste it to and press the edit button and the paste.
you new mp3 should show up as an option to use

It's really easy. I created a directory called "media" on the SD card. Then in the media directory I created a subdirectory called "audio". Then in the audio directory created subdirectories called "notifications", "ringtones", and "alarms". Then I just dropped my files into the appropriate folder, and assigned ringtones to contacts, email, and messaging. I can tell what's coming in by the music it plays and sometimes who it's from if they have theie own assigned ringtone.

For notifications: media/audio/notifications
For ringtones: media/audio/ringtones
For alarms: media/audio/alarms

That's worked for me and after few months I've had no issues at all. Each assigned ringtone works every time. I get bored and drop some more in there all the time. I have mp3 files and some wav files. Pretty much anything will work. Hope that will clear it up for a couple of you.